La Societe Historique - Heritage Vivant / Historical Society of Living Heritage is a nonprofit organization in Van Buren. The group maintains a re-created Acadian Village comprising buildings moved from other sites or built to historically accurate specifications. The Village is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is recognized as a Historic National Landmark.
The society relied on fund-raising projects, donations from private citizens, both in money and in labor, several small federal grants and the generosity of local governments and organizations to complete the project. People from Van Buren, Hamlin, Cyr Plantation and Grand Isle have been and are involved in maintaining the Village.
Selected l'Heritage Vivant Living Heritage images:
Ouellette house, Van Buren, 1850s
David St. Amand School, Hamlin Plantation, 1919
M-19 Fairmont Speeder
Morneault House, Van Buren, 1857
Sirois House, Van Buren, ca. 1900
Morin House
Acadian Flag design
Wooden butter bowl
Wooden butter paddle
Bangor and Aroostook baggage cart
Roy House (Maison Roi), Van Buren, ca. 1990
Hammond house, 1830s